Halo Health: Creating a Business to Holistically Impact Health and Wellbeing

Published: Aug. 1, 2019, 7:35 p.m.


Ever thought about being an entrepreneur and creating your own health-based business? We share tips of what you will need to think about and address. Heather begins by discussing her passion for preventing and treating health conditions in a holistic fashion by working with clients "from the top down."  Creating better health and wellbeing starts with our thoughts...what we "think" about ourselves and our abilities. Join Heather and Bryn as they discuss the many opportunities to improve and prevent disease states in a holistic entrepreneurial business. Helping clients find more joy, happiness, and health: that is what Halo Health is all about.



Connect with Heather Hardin:


Facebook:  https://www.facebook.com/pharmie


LinkedIn:  https://www.linkedin.com/in/heather-hardin-pharmd-bcacp-8022b829/


Instagram: pharmie_gal


website:  HaloHealth.net


YouTube:  Pharmacists Out of the Box



Connect with Bryn Tenney:


Email:  BrynTenney@gmail.com


Instagram:  bryntenney


YouTube:  Pharmacists Out of the Box
