14 ways rich South Africans are making money during Covid 19

Published: June 23, 2020, 11 a.m.

Rateweb | After a rough 2019, most people hoped that 2020 will be a better year for them. Hopefully, a year full of achievements and fulfilment of goals.

Then came the microscopic, lethal and cataclysmic coronavirus beckoning on our doorsteps and just like that all the hopes for a positive year were flushed down the drain.

2020 has pushed the economy to the brink of collapse, with millions facing unemployment and business closures inevitable.

 Even with all that, the rich are growing more affluent when the world around them is collapsing. Let’s discuss how it has been possible for rich South Africans to make money during COVID 19.

14 ways rich South Africans are making money during Covid 19

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