EP018: Ten Tips to Enhance Your Facebook Lives with Sachin Patel

Published: July 19, 2018, 6:51 p.m.

You have an amazing message to share with the world and Facebook Lives are the perfect way to spread it with even more people. There are very few practitioners using this tool at the moment; explore this untapped opportunity and expand your practice. Does recording videos make you nervous? Follow Sachin’s ten principal tips and get rid of the stage fright while helping and reaching out to even more people


Key takeaways:

[2:50] Tip #1: Good audio and lighting are crucial.

[3:25] Choose the lighting that suits you better.

[4:29] Tip #2 When using your phone, select landscape mode (lengthwise).

[4:58] Tip #3: It is ok to hold your camera or use a tripod, the rawer the better.

[5:45] Tip #4: Hook your audience with a question.

[6:15] Become a news hacker.

[7:28] Tip #5: Get and keep the audience engaged.

[8:17] Tip #6: In the first 50 seconds people should know how they will feel after watching the video.

[8:29] Tip #7: Speak to the individual.

[9:33] Tip #8: Get your audience to do something that gets them closer to their goals.

[10:13] Tip #9: Be consistent with the content on the message.

[11:11] Tip #10: Hack against nervousness: Record your video and display it privately.

[12:04] Start with a topic that you are really comfortable with.


Mentioned in this episode:

Learn more about Sachin Patel