25 | Profit from Pleasure! - with Julia Wells

Published: Aug. 5, 2020, 5 p.m.

Julia Wells is the Queen of pussy-based business and teaching how to use pleasure to make more profit. She's a masterful coach, podcast host and wildly messy, normal human that is committed to helping more badass women amplify their impact and income in ways that feel good. 

We chat about using pleasure to amplify profit, our innate worthiness, being authentic AF, ditching shame and being wildly success in entrepreneurship. 

If you wanna kick around with Julia you can find her here: 

On the 'gram @juliamotherfuckingwells.
On Facebook: Julia Wells.
In her Facebook group:  Visible AF.
or her website Juliacwells.com.

Pays To Be You is a podcast for humans who are ready to know themselves, love themselves, BE themselves fully and express their truth in the name of making the world a better place! 

I'm Michaela Lloyd, the coach that's here to crack you wide open in the best possible way. 

Every week myself and my guests will be throwin' down wisdom from our hearts and unique perspectives to help you ditch the fears, insecurities & bullshit stories that are keeping you leading a life that's a bit "meh..." 

Even if you're confused, even if you're scared, even if you doubt it's possible - in fact, ESPECIALLY if you're confused, scared and doubtful - show up every week and say "heeeeeey" to the authentic, wise, radiant version of you that's rising powerfully from within! 

While information is flippin' neat, your transformation will come from implementing what you're learning so start before you're ready, start while you're scared, start while you suck, and see just how amazingly you grow in the process!

Be sure to keep in touch on the daily through social media. I'm always down to exchange cat memes and Harry Potter jokes:
Facebook: Michaela Lloyd
Instagram: @_michaelalloyd_
Exclusive Facebook community: Gorgeous & Worthy & ALL the things!

I'll catch you on this week's episode!

With all the lovin' in the universe,  Michaela xox