09 | Peace from Over-thinkin' & Anxiousness

Published: June 19, 2019, 6 a.m.

I ain't no Doctor, but giiiiiiiiiiiiiiirl I am familiar with having a brain that can spin faster than Michelle Kwan!

 In this episode I share with you my personal insight on how we can calm our minds and be free from the nagging dread that happens when we get anxious.

 This ain't a substitute for reclining on a Therapist's chair so I trust you to use your judgment, but I think you'll find a refreshing, truthful, light-hearted perspective that can really move you leaps and bounds in how you feel.

 So grab yourself a cuppa, get your journal, put on your sexiest track pants and enjoy this episode!

 The Gorgeous Weirdos Podcast is a place for loving humans to ditch insecurities, comparisons, people pleasing and over-thinking so you can fall in love with the authentic badass you already are.
 I'm your host, Michaela Lloyd, and I'll be using my background in psychology, coaching and being human as f*ck to help you own your worth, speak your truth and finally feel at ease as the gorgeous weirdo you are!

 Let's keep in touch! You can find me here:
 Facebook: www.facebook.com/michaelaklloyd
 Instagram: www.instagram.com/_michaelalloyd_
 Thank you for spending your precious time journeying with me. It's an honour to have you along for the ride.
 Michaela xox