Pat is Back, Media's Message & Abortion Nearly Stopped - 5/4/18

Published: May 4, 2018, 8:48 p.m.

Hour 1:\n\nPat Gray is one stent and a few stones lighter and he\u2019s feeling fantastic \u2026Is Rudy Giuliani acting alone with his analysis of the Cohen payment situation? \u2026April Ryan declares that Sarah Huckabee Sanders was blindsided by Giuliani\u2019s statement, and the press secretary fires right back \u2026Why has the media painted all of Trump\u2019s press secretaries as complete liars when the position has been filled with liars during every administration? \u2026Illegal border crossings have surged recently, prompting Washington to deploy additional border security personnel \u2026San Diego-area grocery store implements English-only policy among employees \u2026Caller claims that the mainstream media is committing suicide by not committing to the truth \u2026California now has over a million illegals carrying driver\u2019s licenses \u2013 But could they soon be carrying guns as well?\n\nHour 2:\n\nSouth Carolina anti-abortion bill effectively killed by Democratic filibuster \u2026This was a bill that made exceptions for rape, incest, and medical emergency \u2013 Most Americans support such legislation \u2026Marvel will continue to churn out superhero movies at a breakneck pace through the end of 2019 \u2026Hero at Sutherland Springs, Texas gives his account of the tragedy in powerful counterpoint to the Parkland activists \u2026How is Blockbuster still around in Alaska? How have E-Sports become such big business? \u2026Indiana teacher pushes personal agenda, reprimands student for citing Fox News article in class project.\n\nHour 3:\n\nWoman accidentally tipped a caf\xe9 in Switzerland over $7000 and is now struggling to reclaim her lost money \u2026Rep. Eric Swalwell (D-CA) remarks that \u201cmilitary-style semi-automatic assault weapons\u201d need to be criminalized \u2013 He and the rest of the Democrats should run on that platform \u2026San Francisco NBC affiliate station reports that Donald Trump, Paul Ryan and the NRA are all more popular than Nancy Pelosi in the city \u2026Hillary Clinton has a new thing to blame for her downfall \u2013 The fact that socialist Democrats didn\u2019t like her calling herself a capitalist \u2026A trio of American prisoners in North Korea have been moved to a hotel to await release according to Trump Administration \u2026Why did Barack Obama fail to tie American prisoners held in Iran to the infamous nuclear deal? \u2026Chinese military faces at a base in Djibouti have been targeting American planes with high-grade lasers.\n\n\nTune in to "Pat Gray Unleashed" weekdays from 12-3p.m. ET on TheBlaze TV!\n\nTwitter @PatUnleashed\n\nLISTEN\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nLearn more about your ad choices. Visit