Mystery Senate Theater 2018 - 9/27/18

Published: Sept. 27, 2018, 8:56 p.m.

Hour 1:\n\nWe join the Ford-Kavanaugh hearing live in progress \u2013 The prosecutor starts off asking Dr. Christine Blasey Ford about air travel and her hobbies \u2026Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-IA) and the Democrats are more than happy to heap praise on Ford for coming forward at this time \u2026Apparently, the receptionist, janitor and lobby greeter all heard Dr. Ford\u2019s story \u2026What really happened with this alleged polygraph test? Ford claims it was extremely stressful and is unsure who paid for it \u2026One caller with a background in psychology asks how a polygraph could be administered under such incredibly stressful conditions \u2026Another caller tells Pat that it has been proven that one can manipulate the questions to ensure that a polygraph test suggests innocence or guilt.\n\nHour 2:\n\nThe guys are confident that Dr. Ford is telling the truth in that she was sexually assaulted \u2026But they\u2019re also confident that the perpetrator was someone other than Brett Kavanaugh \u2026Pat reminds people that it\u2019s fine if Kavanaugh is not confirmed, so long as President Trump then nominates Amy Coney Barrett \u2026Let\u2019s review how so many on the Left treated Monica Lewinsky in the 1990s \u2026Caller asks how the date of the polygraph test couldn\u2019t be seared into Ford\u2019s memory \u2026Climate change is at it again, global ice melt is apparently making the Earth \u201cwobble\u201d on its axis \u2026Tennessee high school athletic director tells boys to \u201cblame the girls\u201d for new dress code \u2013 Is promptly placed on leave \u2026Sen. Mazie Hirono (D-HI) takes her turn questioning Dr. Ford \u2013 It is finally confirmed that Ford\u2019s lawyers paid for the polygraph.\n\nHour 3:\n\nThe #KavanaughCrimes continue to roll in \u2026Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA) begins questioning Dr. Ford, so Pat grabs the tambourine \u2026Are the Democrats trying to delay the appointment of a ninth justice past the 2020 presidential election? \u2026French rapper\u2019s video banned for advocating the hanging of white adults and the killing of their children \u2026Caller remarks how Dr. Ford\u2019s family is most likely doing much better than Brett Kavanaugh\u2019s wife and kids \u2026Sen. Lindsay Graham (R-SC) says that the other shoe will drop if this process of taking aim at every Republican nominee becomes the new standard \u2026Pat\u2019s Box Office: The highest-grossing Halloween films of all-time \u2026Two callers are convinced that Dr. Ford is lying about the whole ordeal \u2026Allow Joe Biden to remind Democrats that an FBI investigation into such a matter is not worth anything.\n\n\nTune in to "Pat Gray Unleashed" weekdays from 12-3p.m. ET on TheBlaze TV!\n\nTwitter @PatUnleashed\n\nLISTEN\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nLearn more about your ad choices. Visit