Misha Kaura Interviews Philanthropist Jean Shafiroff, MBA

Published: July 3, 2019, 2:01 a.m.

Jean Shafiroff, philanthropist, activist, humanitarian, and author of SUCCESSFUL PHILANTHROPY: HOW TO MAKE A LIFE BY WHAT YOU GIVE, is at the vanguard of a new movement of modern philanthropists. Jean's philanthropy goes beyond financial contributions and includes the gifts of extensive time and knowledge. Through her work, she encourages and seeks to empower all individuals to become philanthropists so that they can build the fulfillment of giving into their lives.

Jean serves on the boards of eight charities: The NY Women's Foundation, NYC Mission Society, French Heritage Society, Couture Council, Jewish Board, Southampton Animal Shelter Foundation Honorary Board , Global Strays, and Southampton Bath and Tennis Club Charitable Foundation. In addition, Jean is an Ambassador for the American Humane Society and the Ambassador for the Southampton Shelter.

She holds both an MBA and BS in Physical Therapy from Columbia University in New York City.

For more information about Jean Shafiroff, please visit:
F: Jean Shafiroff
F: Jean Shafiroff Style and Philanthropy
I: @JeanShafiroff