Misha Kaura interviews Fashion Stylist Amanda Hess of 3S Confidence

Published: May 26, 2019, 1:19 a.m.

Misha Kaura interviews Amanda Hess, who is a fashion stylist and confidence coach. She works with driven, professional women who struggle with looking and feeling beautiful and confident and would like to dress and feel amazing without spending a lot of time getting there. She is dedicated to ensuring her clients have increased self-assurance and body positivity. Amanda comes from a varied background, where she spent time studying Interior Decorating and Design before moving onto a more “standard" career in finance. After having children, life changed and so did her priorities. It was time to shift. She spent a couple of years selling fashion directly for a private label, and honed her skills as a fashion expert.

Amanda now works with amazing women whose lives and bodies have changed and they simply cannot find the time or they just do not have the knowledge and experience to know what to wear and how to wear it. Her clients are delighted by her ability to pair color and pattern in a way that is stylish and yet still work appropriate. Amanda's services have been touted as “life changing” and it is amazing what changes to closets can do for career and marriage.

Amanda can be reached by phone at 403-519-2110 or via email at amanda@3sconfidence.com.