Misha Kaura Interviews Dyslexic Entrepreneur Gibby Booth Jasper

Published: Aug. 25, 2019, 11:37 a.m.

In this episode, Misha Kaura, a dyslexic herself, interviews Gibby Booth Jasper. Gibby is a dyslexic entrepreneur who started out as a medical massage therapist, but upon seeing kids struggling like she did, chose to become a life coach for dyslexic children, a speaker, author, and the host of the Dyslexia Is Our Superpower Podcast. For years, she thought she was stupid, thinking her brain was faulty. However, after discovering that her own dyslexia wasn’t a death sentence and actually the exact opposite, Gibby began a journey to re-frame the way dyslexia is seen. Her mission is to create a world where no dyslexic thinks they are stupid because their brain works differently as well as to educate the public on dyslexia’s true colors.

She’s all about embracing your true self—the good, the messy, and the awesome. Whether that includes dyslexia, being really tall, or whatever it is, that’s where fashion comes in. Her fashion style is fun and playful, allowing herself to express her true character which she was too embarrassed to let the world see for so many years. Showing up 100% authentically is very important to Gibby and she encourages others to do the same, and what you decide to wear is a perfect place to start.

Keep up with Gibby online!