What is Park Leaders?

Published: April 14, 2014, 8 a.m.


In this introductory episode of the podcast, I explain what Park Leaders is about.

What is Park Leaders?

Park Leaders is a place to connect the wisdom of those who did with the passion of those who will.

We are going to talk to as many leaders in Parks as possible. Their wisdom can be passed on to the next generation of up and coming Park Leaders. This will be an opportunity for you to chose yourself, declare yourself as a leader, and begin making a difference.

What I talk about.

\\u2022 My path of becoming a Park Ranger \\u2022 Highlight of my time as a Ranger. \\u2022 Lowlights of my time as a Ranger. \\u2022 Why I started Park Leaders. \\u2022 What you can expect from Park Leaders.

Resources Mentioned

\\u2022\\xa0Jason Harrod \\u2022 Scott Barlow and Happen to Your Career \\u2022 Jared Easley and Starve the Doubts \\u2022 Jody Maberry \\u2022 Washington State Parks \\u2022 Riverside State Park \\u2022 Fort Flagler State Park
