Is Parks a Mans World?

Published: July 29, 2014, 3 p.m.


Marty Huseman is the Chief Ranger at Lake Roosevelt National Recreation Area. Her career with the National Park Service has taken her all over the country.

As she began her career, she was advised to take a job at a park most people have not heard of. She followed that advice and became a Park Ranger at Big South Fork National River and Recreation Area.

Marty\'s interest in developing the next generation of Park Ranger\'s led her to become involved in the Park\'s Law Enforcement Academy with Bill Overby. Marty was a founding member of\\xa0\\xa0the National Park Service Honor Guard.

In this interview Marty talks about her career and path to becoming a Chief Ranger. She also outlines the structure of National Park and the roles of different staff. We also discuss whether parks is a man\'s world and the challenges Marty has faced being a female Park Ranger.


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