Driven by Passion for a Place

Published: Aug. 7, 2018, 11:17 p.m.


Eben Sypitkowski is the Director of Baxter State Park in Maine.\\xa0

Baxter State Park is a unique park. Baxter is a state park in name, but not park of Maine State Parks. The park started as a gift in land and resources from Governor\\xa0Baxter.

Two more ways Baxter is a unique park; it is completely\\xa0self-funded.\\xa0 This removes the park from the usual politics and worry of receiving funds from the state general fund. Second, the park places a priority on wilderness over recreation.\\xa0

Eben was recently appointed to Director after being a forester and most recently Resource Manager. Eben discusses the transition from forester to the director. He explains his listening tour to understand the culture of the entire park and get to know the staff.\\xa0

Eben has a passion for the place he now has the privilege to manage. Passion for place also inspires the rest of the staff of Baxter State Park. This same passion fuels many of us in parks.\\xa0
