12 Steps to Enhance a Visitor Experience with Eric Watilo

Published: July 7, 2015, 8:15 a.m.


Recently,\\xa0Eric Watilo issues a document to parks in his region of Washington State Parks giving ideas to make sure visitor\'s have a better experience when they visit parks.

When I saw the information Eric was getting out to people in parks, I knew I had to share it with you. Eric did not create this list for people to read and check a box. This is content meant to be discussed and considered.

Eric joins me on the Park Leaders Show to discuss his list of 12 Steps to Enhance a Visitor Experience.

If you are reading this in email, CLICK HERE to listen to the episode and go in depth with the 12 Steps.

12 Steps to Enhancing a Visitor\'s Experience

  1. Smile \\u2013 As simple as this may seem, not everyone smiles.
  2. Greet Them \\u2013 Use words to make them feel welcome.
  3. In-Person is Priority \\u2013 Never break off a face-to-face interaction with a visitor to answer the telephone or speak with another employee.
  4. W.I.N \\u2013 W.I.N stands for \\u201cWhat\\u2019s Important Now.\\u201d
  5. Please and Thank You \\u2013 Say it. Say it often. We all like to hear please and thank you.
  6. You\\u2019re Welcome \\u2013 Do not say \\u201cNo Problem.\\u201d Use your manners and say "You\'re Welcome".
  7. Recognize Who You Work For \\u2013 Every one of us in Parks is a government employee.
  8. It Is What You Say \\u2013 What you say to a park visitor can strongly influence they experience have at the park.
  9. Find the Answer and Follow-up \\u2013 From time to time a visitor will ask you a question you do not have the answer to. Instead of saying \\u201cI don\\u2019t know\\u201d and leaving it there, tell the visitor you do not know but that you will find out and get back to them.
  10. Make Time for the Visitor \\u2013 \\xa0I understand in parks it is not always possible to do this, but when you can take the time to show a visitor what they are looking for, you certainly should.
  11. \\u201cThank You for Supporting Our Parks\\u201d \\u2013 After every financial transaction you make with a customer, thank the guest for their support.
  12. Listen to Park Leaders Podcast \\u2013\\xa0In particular, listen to this episode about customer service with Lee Cockerell.

In addition to Eric Watilo\'s list, I have added for steps of my own to enhance a visitor\'s experience.

  1. You are putting on a Show Every day \\u2013 At Disney World employees are called Cast Members because they play a role in the big show they put on every day. You may not be at Disney World, but you are putting on a show every day.
  2. Your personal problems don\\u2019t matter to the park visitor \\u2013 I am not saying your personal problems don\\u2019t matter. I just want to be clear that your personal problems do not matter to the park visitor. Your issues should not get in the way of delivering top notch service.
  3. Wear the Hat \\u2013 If you are a park ranger you need to wear the iconic flat hat when you interact with park visitors. If park visitors don\\u2019t get to see a park ranger often, then seeing you should meet their expectations. And they expect you to wear the flat hat.
  4. Serve like it is your mother \\u2013 Have you ever had a loved one receive wonderful service? How did that make you feel? Your mother is special to you and you want others to treat her that way. This is exactly how you should treat every park visitor.

Music for the Park Leaders Show is provided by Jason Harrod.

