The 2022 Takie Awards With Special Guest Presenters Presenting 26 Awards Including Blake Griffin & Blake Bortles Competing In Blake Of The Year

Published: July 27, 2022, 2:58 a.m.


-Worst Collector of the Year\\n-Twitter Reply Guy of the Year\\n-Wild of the Year\\n-Suspension of the Year\\n-Worst Take of the Year\\n-Text Meant to be Sent to Somebody Else of the Year\\n-League of the Year\\n-Retirement of the Year\\n-Southerner of the Year\\n-Dad/Grandfather of the Year\\n-Beef of the Year\\n-Comeback Meme of the Year\\n-Got That Dog In Him Haver Of the Year\\n-Friend of the Year\\n-Lib of the Year\\n-Tommy Lasorda Still Alive Person of the Year in Memory of John Madden\\xa0\\n-Longest Injury Recovery of the Year\\n-Alpha of the Year\\n-Slap of the Year\\n-Trend of the Year\\n-Ratio of the Year\\n-Preemptive Take of the Year\\n-Blake of the Year\\n-Listeners of the Year

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