Paratopia 3: Dr. Greg Matloff

Published: Jan. 3, 2010, 7 a.m.

When Jeff & Jeremy wished they could find a physicist outside of the paranormal field to talk to, they never dreamed it would come true.

Dr. Matloff is a Fellow of the British Interplanetary Society, a Corresponding Member of the International Academy of Astronautics, and an American Museum of Natural History Hayden Fellow. He served on a November 2007 panel organized by Seed magazine to brief Congressional staff on a sustainable, meaningful space program. He has published more than 100 papers and six popular books on astronomy and astronautics, and was a winner of a 1998 SETI competition sponsored by the National Institute of Discovery Science. One of his early books, The Starflight Handbook: A Pioneer's Guide to Interstellar Travel, co-authored with MIT science writer Eugene F. Mallove, and other publications helped establish space travel as a field of applied science. And that's just for starters!