A Dead Air Special Presentation: Author & Lecturer Gerard Aartsen LIVE!

Published: April 10, 2016, 4 p.m.

Having acquired and studied some of the more obscure writings by contactee George Adamski, he wrote George Adamski – A Herald for the Space Brothers (2010), which critics acclaimed as a refreshing, scholarly treatment of his subject. His second book, Here to Help: UFOs and the Space Brothers (2011), shows how the messages from the pre-disinformation contactees all agree on the spiritual realities and the Oneness of Life. In Priorities for a Planet in Transition – The Space Brothers’ Case for Justice and Freedom (2015), Gerard compiles what the Space Brothers have shared since the 1950s in terms of alternative, saner ways of organizing society to tackle the crises that have brought our civilization to its knees. A long-standing co-worker in the worldwide network of groups affiliated with British esotericist Benjamin Creme, the author writes regular contributions to Share International magazine about the extraterrestrial presence on Earth, is a frequent guest on international radio and TV shows about UFOs and related subjects, and has lectured in America, Europe and Asia. His books have been translated and published in multiple languages.