Vesicular GABA-transporter neurons in the zona incerta are maximally active during non rapid-eye movement (NREM) and rapid-eye movement (REM) sleep

Published: March 29, 2021, 1:03 a.m.

Link to bioRxiv paper: Authors: Blanco-Centurion, C., Vidal-Ortiz, A., Shiromani, P. J. Abstract: Sleep and wake are opposing behavioral states controlled by the activity of specific neurons. The neurons responsible for sleep/wake control have not been fully identifed due to the lack of in-vivo high throughput technology. We use the deep-brain calcium (Ca2+) imaging method to identify activity of hypothalamic neurons expressing the vesicular GABA transporter (vGAT), a marker of GABAergic neurons. vGAT-cre mice (n=5) were microinjected with rAAV-FLEX-GCaMP6M into the lateral hypothalamus and 21d later the Ca2+ influx in vGAT neurons (n=372) was recorded in freely-behaving mice during waking (W), NREM and REM sleep. Post-mortem analysis revealed the lens tip located in the zona incerta/lateral hypothalamus (ZI-LH) and the change in fluorescence of neurons in the field of view was as follows: 54.9% of the vGAT neurons had peak fluorescence during REM sleep (REM-max), 17.2% were NREM-max, 22.8% were wake-max while 5.1% were both wake+REM max. Thus, three quarters of the recorded vGAT neurons in the ZI-LH were most active during sleep. In the NREM-max group Ca2+ fluorescence anticipated the initiation of NREM sleep onset and remained high throughout sleep (NREM and REM sleep). In the REM-max neurons Ca2+ fluorescence increased before the onset of REM sleep and stayed elevated during the episode. Activation of the vGAT NREM-max neurons in the zona incerta and dorsal lateral hypothalamus would inhibit the arousal neurons to initiate and maintain sleep. Copy rights belong to original authors. Visit the link for more info