Only the fastest corticospinal fibers contribute to beta corticomuscular coherence

Published: Nov. 20, 2020, 1:01 a.m.

Link to bioRxiv paper: Authors: Ibanez, J., Del Vecchio, A., Baker, S. N., Rothwell, J. C., Farina, D. Abstract: A common way to study human corticospinal transmission is with transcranial magnetic stimulation. However, this is biased to activity in the fastest conducting axons. It is unclear whether conclusions obtained in this context are representative of volitional activity in mild-to-moderate contractions. A possible alternative to overcome this limitation is to study the corticospinal transmission of endogenously generated brain activity. Here we study the transmission speeds of cortical beta rhythms travelling to the muscles during steady contractions. To do this, we introduce new methods to improve delay estimates in the corticomuscular transmission of beta rhythms, and which we validate both in simulations and experimentally. Applying these approaches to experimental data from humans, we show that corticomuscular beta transmission delays are only 1-2ms longer than expected from the fastest corticospinal pathway. Simulations using realistic distributions of the conduction velocities for descending axons projecting to lower motoneurons suggest two scenarios that can explain these results: either a very small fraction of only the fastest corticospinal axons selectively transmit beta activity, or else the entire pool does. The implications that these two scenarios have for our understanding of corticomuscular interactions are discussed in the final part of this manuscript. Copy rights belong to original authors. Visit the link for more info