Epigenetic age-predictions in mice using pyrosequencing, droplet digital PCR or barcoded bisulfite amplicon sequencing

Published: July 30, 2020, 6:02 p.m.

Link to bioRxiv paper: http://biorxiv.org/cgi/content/short/2020.07.30.228122v1?rss=1 Authors: Han, Y., Nikolic, M., Gobs, M., Franzen, J., de Haan, G., Geiger, H., Wagner, W. Abstract: Age-associated DNA methylation reflects aspects of biological aging - therefore epigenetic clocks for mice can help to elucidate the impact of treatments or genetic background on the aging process in this model organism. Initially, age-predictors for mice were trained on genome-wide DNA methylation profiles, whereas we have recently described a targeted assay based on pyrosequencing of DNA methylation at only three CG dinucleotides (CpGs). Here, we have re-evaluated pyrosequencing approaches in comparison to droplet digital PCR (ddPCR) and barcoded bisulfite amplicon sequencing (BBA-seq). At individual CpGs the correlation of DNA methylation with chronological age was slightly higher for pyrosequencing and ddPCR as compared to BBA-seq. On the other hand, BBA-seq revealed that neighboring CpGs tend to be stochastically modified in murine age-associated regions. Furthermore, the binary sequel of methylated and non-methylated CpGs in individual reads can be used for single-read predictions, which may reflect heterogeneity in epigenetic aging. In comparison to C57BL/6 mice the epigenetic age-predictions using BBA-seq were also accelerated in the shorter-lived DBA/2 mice, and in C57BL/6 mice with a lifespan quantitative trait locus of DBA/2 mice. Taken together, we describe further optimized and alternative targeted methods to determine epigenetic clocks in mice. Copy rights belong to original authors. Visit the link for more info