ALIX and ceramide differentially control polarized exosome release from epithelial cells

Published: Aug. 6, 2020, 4:01 p.m.

Link to bioRxiv paper: Authors: Matsui, T., Hiragi, S., Osaki, F., Sakamaki, Y., Fukuda, M. Abstract: Exosomes, new players in cell-cell communication, are extracellular vesicles of endocytic origin. Although single cells are known to release various kinds of exosomes (referred to as exosomal heterogeneity), very little is known about the mechanisms by which they are produced and released. Here, we established methods for studying exosomal heterogeneity by using polarized epithelial cells and showed that distinct types of exosomes are differentially secreted from the apical and basolateral sides. We also identified GPRC5C (G protein-coupled receptor class C group 5 member C) as an apical-exosome-specific protein. We further demonstrated that basolateral exosome release depends on ceramide, whereas ALIX, an ESCRT (endosomal sorting complexes required for transport)-related protein, not the ESCRT machinery itself, is required for apical exosome secretion. Thus, two independent machineries, the ALIX-Syntenin1-Syndecan1 machinery (apical side) and the sphingomyelinase-dependent ceramide production machinery (basolateral side), are likely to be responsible for the polarized exosome release from epithelial cells. Copy rights belong to original authors. Visit the link for more info