200 | Baltimore

Published: April 25, 2015, 1:14 p.m.

This week the hosts celebrate two hundred episodes* and talk about Lord Henry Baltimore.

Topics include Jonesy reading a prepared statement, friends calling in and leaving messages on the PK Hotline, mucking up of equipment, "All-New All-Different Paperkeg," vampiric queries, sharing private DMs, and concludes with Baltimore as the book club.

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  • Gary talks about Mark Waid and the future
  • Dirk gets us all emotional
  • Joe makes slim dream of Fear Agent pajamas
  • Very Exciting's DMs get blown up
  • MattHH, show intern, talks about his first PK experience
  • Paul talks about DC love and #picklenift
  • DragonFro has breaking newz
  • SuperTim didn't have time for a witter letter
  • Chuck sends a hot one into the PK Hotline
  • Jim Lind comes back from the depths

*But seriously folks, Matt here, thanks from the bottom of my heart for listening over the past few years. It means a lot that a podcast we arrogantly wanted to make thinking we were better than everyone else turned into a tight night community of friends that laugh together about comics. What more could I have asked for?