How bad is the Replication Crisis? feat. Ood Gallifrey from Occultae Veritatis

Published: May 9, 2019, 8 a.m.


The so-called Replication Crisis has plagued all areas of academia, and especially psychology, in the last few decades. The astonishing number of studies published in peer-reviewed journals that are later found not to be repeatable is a violation of one of the core tenets of the scientific method. Joining us on this episode is Ood Gallifrey of the Occultae Veritatis podcast to discuss: exactly how bad is this crisis? What started it? What can be done to fix it? (And of course many side tangents where we geek out about space and Richard Feynman.)


Read more about the replication crisis at our website,, and check out the Occultae Veritatis podcast at
