Panelized Home Plans

Published: Oct. 3, 2018, 2:34 a.m.

\\nShow Notes:
\\nIdeas on how to develop the plans for your new home project.  Can you draw your own up or should we help you?  How do I know plans are good for permits?   Will they be usable to build my new home?  What if I want to customize a standard or online plan?  Working with building departments.  Do I need an Architect to design and build my own home?  Fitting your new home on your lot.   How does a Structural Engineer help.
\\nInterviewer: Hey everybody. Welcome to the Landmark Home and Land Company\\u2019s Panelized Prefab Kit Home Building show. With me as always is the President and Founder of the Landmark Home and Land Company Steve Tuma. Steve, how are you doing today my friend?
\\nSteve Landmark: Yeah, it\\u2019s an excellent day. I think we\\u2019ve got some interesting questions. What do we figure out? We\\u2019re going to talk about the most interesting questions that people have asked or common questions.
\\nInterviewer: Yeah, that\\u2019s what I thought we would get into today. A lot of customers, potential customers write in, looking to know what Landmark is all about and how they can help them with their new home building process. So I thought I would just start and go through some of the questions you guys have gotten lately regarding home building and panelized homes.
\\nThe first question came in the other day that\\u2019s basically, \\u201cLandmark, if I work with you, do I have to use your plans or can I draw up my own plans?\\u201d
\\nSteve Landmark: Well, this is an interesting thing. A lot of people ask around the country because not everyone understands that plans aren\\u2019t just showing them walls or windows. There\\u2019s a lot of details in there to show how the home is to get built or what the house is going to look like or what materials are.
\\nSo yes, you can draw your own plans. You can get the ideas together. Let us know what you want. But in general, most people don\\u2019t have the full knowledge to do a full architectural set of plans. So what we suggest is if you want to draw your own plans, maybe start with the concepts. Say, \\u201cHey, I need a 1500-square-foot ranch with a two-car garage.\\u201d If you want to sketch it out or go online to one of the websites where you can do drafting, you could do things like that or maybe you can just draw it up and send it to us in a text, a fax or an email.
\\nThen we can review those ideas. But generally at some point, we would probably have to go and expand on your ideas, to make sure that room sizes are right, doorway openings are right, code issues are taken care of. You know, egress on windows, foundations are drawn in and all the technical side.
\\nSo it\\u2019s definitely easy to work off the plans that you have and then go through to finalize them in a format so that they can be used to get permits.
\\nWhat\\u2019s interesting is around the country, there are still some building departments that don\\u2019t even review plans or you can sketch them on a napkin and turn them in and they will give you a permit. Then there\\u2019s also Steven building departments where you have to cross every \\u201cT,\\u201d dot every \\u201cI,\\u201d have every single detail to the nth degree.
\\nSo sometimes people say, \\u201cWell, I will actually just be able to turn these in for permits.\\u201d Well, maybe you can and maybe you can\\u2019t and you don\\u2019t know what the follow-up situation is. So it\\u2019s not just the concept of drawing the plans up. It\\u2019s making sure that the plans are good for homeowners\\u2019 associations if one is there for your permits. They also need to be used as a communication method with your financing source, your bank, your contractor, your subcontractors, yourself to know what\\u2019s getting built in us, so that it\\u2019s very clear what\\u2019s there.
\\nSo you\\u2019ve got to have an accurate set of plans and that\\u2019s how we\\u2019re able to work with you to take your concept and then detail it so that it\\u2019s usable for your particular building department.'