
Published: Jan. 24, 2019, 5:55 p.m.

b'Interviewed David Rogers, Volunteer Coordinator, The Lord\'s Place for the Downtown Development Authority\'s Community Corner show. They focus on various charities that serve Palm Beach County. The Lord\'s Place is a non-profit that serves men, women and families to help prevent and eliminate homelessness in Palm Beach County. On average there are 3500 people who are homeless every month. The Lord\'s Place helps with providing shelter, financial literacy training, job skills, etc. They have the Joshua Cafe that provides meals M-F, the Joshua Thrift store, and are always looking for donations/volunteers to help at both places. They are doing a new fundraiser this year on Feb 2nd called Rappelling to end Homelessness. It\'s going to be at the Comeau Building, 319 Clematis Street in downtown West Palm Beach. Individuals need to raise $500 or more to rappel. They can sign up at Rappel4TLP.com or Thelordsplace.org. Listeners can also sign up to volunteer at www.thelordsplace.org.'