Own Your Story #34 with Mathew Pang: Patient and passion in building an online education channel

Published: June 29, 2019, 7:03 a.m.

Mathew has been an acquaintance I've known for a long long time. Even though we were not exactly close friends, I really admire his persistent and passion for building 'y=mx+c', a Youtube channel for SPM & Pre-U Math tutorial. So, I called him up to hear more about his story!

We talked about:

- how and why Mathew got into education industry with training in psychology

- the thought process from conception to execution 

- biggest challenge in building a one-man education channel

- motivation to keep going

- personal evolution in the journey

- lesson learned from biggest business failure

- passion and patient to build something

- career tips for young people

- how to pick yourself up after a fall

- book recommendation

- best investment in time & energy

- impact and future plans

Isabelle's Website: http://isabellethye.com

Own Your Story FB: https://www.facebook.com/theartofowningyourstory/

Mathew's FB: https://www.facebook.com/MathewPHY

Y=MX=C: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3fhr4YanZXeNk431FFgAKg