022 Robert Swan - 50 Year Missions, Survival and Inspiration

Published: July 12, 2016, 1:54 p.m.


Robert Swan is a polar explorer, environmentalist, and the first man ever to walk unsupported to both the North and South Poles. He compares his icy experiences to boardroom maneuvers and his inspirational addresses have received the acclaim of discerning audiences worldwide. It is Robert's lifetime goal to work for the preservation of the Antarctic, as it is the last great wilderness on earth. Discover more about Robert and his mission on today's podcast.

  • 03:05 - How did Rob become an explorer?
  • 03:55 - What did Rob learn on his first expedition?
  • 04:35 - 30 years ago Rob had to raise 5 million dollars to go on his first expedition.
  • 05:35 - Rob gained credibility through persistence.
  • 05:45 - If people say no, listen to why they're saying no.
  • 07:15 - After spending a year in close quarters with his team, what did Rob learn about leadership and about people?
  • 10:15 - What is 2041? What is Rob trying to do currently?
  • 10:50 - It's crucial to have a clear mission and stand for something.
  • 12:00 - Rob has been on a 50 year mission to protect the Antarctic.
  • 12:35 - What kind of barriers do executives put up when Rob speaks at companies?
  • 13:55 - Inspiration trails away. It's important for companies to revisit inspiration.
  • 14:40 - Rob believes sustainable inspiration is what corporations lack.
  • 15:00 - There's a lack of trust in big corporations.
  • 15:35 - How does Rob sustain his inspiration? He is currently on a 50 year mission.
  • 21:20 - If you're in doubt about climate change, then all you have to do is visit Antarctica.
  • 22:00 - All of us have a leadership story. Who are you? What have you accomplished?
  • 22:45 - Get your story right. Without a story, you will not inspire other people.
  • 24:45 - What do people takeaway from their expedition to Antarctica?
  • 27:50 - What are Rob's plans for the future?
  • 33:20 - The world is overrun by bad news, let's make an effort to be in the good news business.
  • 33:45 - What are some of Rob's morning rituals?
  • 36:25 - What has Rob changed his mind about recently?
  • 38:45 - What advice would Rob have for his 25-year-old self?

