#8: Get Your Head Outta Your Nether Regions

Published: Aug. 4, 2017, 12:28 a.m.

Live the metaphors with me people! That one to your left is a clean stand-in for "nether regions". Follow? I wanted desperately to use a pic of a guy with his head up his own ass, as the title implies, but I knew not where to find one with open copyright status. So, hot chick back side aside - what's the point of this post? You are the biggest problem to you! You're in your own way. Or you're directly or indirectly ignoring the steps to take that will lead you to where you need to be next. As an outsider, you have less choice than most in the area of self expression. It is paramount that you accept and do all that you must to get the unique or weird part of you into the public eye, in order to help them and you best! Take it from a guy whose head still somehow magically ends up deep up his own ass from time to time, that these steps will right your little boat the fastest! Subscribe To OJ Podcast! Sponsors: Family Network Chiropractic in Kingston, NY: The only providers of NSA Chiropractic in the Mid-Hudson Valley Maximum Results Fitness w/ Mike Romano: Online Training with Individually Customized Support Key Points: Success can never be achieved without persistence Take responsibility for your entire life and everything in it, and see how fast your life changes for the better! Your world is a mirror of your mind We can become comfortable with anything, even horrifically bad shit, to where we don't try to make necessary changes Admitting you're wrong about some things opens the door for massive growth Nothing you've lived through has been a wasted experience. It all can be used to achieve greatness Don't offer unsolicited advice, it almost always blows up in your face somehow When you achieve full awareness, you'll stop or reshape how you do many things The content in Outsiders Journey and how it's arranged, was my attempt at understanding myself - a hard copy of my thoughts and experiences You don't have to build something as thorough and deep as my site. You can start with a much simpler platform and just start feeding your main content delivery system Links: Bill Harris: Reality’s not what you think it is Visit Centerpointe for Bill Harris' newsletter: Mind Power (where I read about the Buddhist info I'm positive I got wrong in the podcast) Learn about building your own platform! Learn about the man who helped me discover and build my platform The Road: All the stuff in my head this one time The entrainment I mentioned: learn more The photographer of this post's featured photo: Christopher Campbell