#7: Have My People Call Your People

Published: July 27, 2017, 11:26 p.m.

Being an Outsider is often a lonely and confusing affair. You know you're on to something. But how to present it? How to even pick what "it" is, should you be so fortunate as to have multiple gifts to share with the world? What's the best path to take and what's the best way to shape your personality for your burgeoning audience? Find A Template! The easiest way to get to these answers is to find someone (or many someones) who are doing what you like to do and saying it the way you like to say it. What If You Have Many Topics To Cover? Just pick the platform first. Then decide on your voice/personality. Then sprinkle your multitude of thoughts and ideas within said platform. No one said that this would be easy. But easy's for pussies anyhow. You gotta fight for this thing in you to have its place in your reality. Probably alongside or behind whatever you currently do. For now. But one day, you will realize that the day has come for your thing to have its day in the sun. It's happening to me right now. Subscribe To OJ Podcast! Sponsors: Family Network Chiropractic in Kingston, NY: The only providers of NSA Chiropractic in the Mid-Hudson Valley Maximum Results Fitness w/ Mike Romano: Online Training with Individually Customized Support Key Points: My search for what I'm about and how to say it has only just solidified this year Some mentors may not do anything like what you do but their words are helpful, nonetheless This is all way easier if you find someone to duplicate in some way; a template One of my guides just released his version of self help that is very similar to mine, causing me to see that I've been on at least one right track! Put yourself out there as is to avoid the strain of trying to be something you're not The mentors and guides you follow and respect most may not sound like you at all, which has a handicapping effect on your presentation development. So find someone who DOES sound like you who is also popular/successful in a way you'd like to copy, even if their field has nothing to do with yours The world's just a teensy bit fucked up right now and all the major systems are crumbling. Are you prepared for what might come next? One of my guys can help you with that (NOT prepper stuff, either) Successful people get their news from sources The Herd knows nothing about Erika Napoletano taught me to never apologize, to never reign in my personality to protect some field flower's feelings Jason Leister: I tell anyone I truly care about to follow this man's free newsletter Marc Maron: I tell only the people I consider cool enough to appreciate it to follow this man's podcast! Links: Yaro Starak: Change Manifesto: How I Overcame Crippling Panic Attacks And Anxiety Yaro Starak: Entrepreneurs Journey: How I Started Making Money From The Internet Erika Napoletano Says Whatever The Fuck She Wants! (Her timeline) Rethinking Unpopular: Erika Napoletano at TEDxBoulder 2012 Sovereign Man: More Freedom-More Prosperity Sovereign Man: 2017 Blacksmith Liberty & Entrepreneurship Camp Craig Ballantyne: Author, Trainer, Coach Jason Leister: Incomparable Expert (Get his free newsletter "The Client Letter") Marc Maron: WTF Podcast