#44: Reinventing Yourself From The Outside In

Published: Sept. 16, 2018, 3:55 a.m.

Reinventing Yourself From the Outside In: Jason Leister Frequently, we're told to work on our Inner Selves to get the Outer World to look as we'd like. (That's a rough oversimplification of the advice but you get the point.) Jason Leister has a take on this that goes the other way around: Reinventing Yourself From The Outside In His article below clarifies what he means quite nicely. But I'll boil it down a hair for you: If you want to be something, start doing the actions of that thing. Excepting brain surgeons, and such, you're pretty much free to do some version of whatever professional title it is you'd like to own. There are plenty of jobs and careers that can get underway simply by starting from scratch, then figuring it out as you go. If nothing else, I've found that this is how most jobs go anyhow. You start with a basic understanding of the necessary skill sets and the rest...you wing! You learn as you go...BY DOING! In the job world, this is called being Thrown To The Wolves. Another approach: you learn to swim by sinking or swimming after you've been tossed in the lake. What's found inside Outsiders Journey is nothing more than example after example of this very lesson in action. This site is hogmungous! It has systems integrated left and right to do all it does, most of which you can't even see. And I've been reinventing it for years on end! It's had other systems come and go that were awesome but somehow became incongruous with my needs. It was all hard to locate, learn, and implement. But I did it. Many, many times over. And it all functioned well! But I didn't go to school to learn how to do any of it (excepting some AWAI courses I took awhile back). I just got frustrated (usually) and started reinventing the infuriating section...again and again and again. Point is, if you want to be something, start by physically acting as that thing and pick up steam as you go. A final viewpoint on all of this–and something I'm borrowing from Jason himself–is "Who Certifies The Certifiers?" For all you know, you're already the best person to do whatever it is you wish you could do. So just start doing it! Subscribe To OJ Podcast! Key Points: We're normally told to do the Inner Work to create the Outer World we desire. But the reverse can also be true. You become something by acting like it! Who certifies the certifiers? Just do it! You're free to reinvent yourself at any time. Just start. Outsiders Journey is my living, breathing version of my multiple reinventions. I share what I've learned through all these reinventions, including the current one, to help other Outsiders go pro with whatever it is that differentiates them from the herd. The more you pick at it, the closer you get to being it. Some of you are going to find the works of Steven Pressfield to be in credibly helpful in all this. Links "You Do You": My free course outlining all I've done to completely rebuild my world into something it's never been...something much better than what it used to be! The War Of Art: I've read this book about 4 or 5 times now. But I no longer remember the particulars. What I can tell you is: if you're struggling to do the thing that needs doing; the thing that gnaws at you in your dreams and nightmares. The thing that whispers to you while you're at your shitty job; the thing that makes the rest of your life impossible, but you haven't addressed yet, then get this book. Turning Pro: Tap Your Inner Power and Create Your Life's Work: I've read this book about 4 or 5 times as well. And I no longer remember the particulars. What I can tell you is: once you've made the decision to start your thing and have been doing at for some time, you will eventually build a body of work that lights the rest of the way forward. This book will help you start building the new you, the you who is capable of handling the new stresses this outl...