#30: You Should Have Your Head Examined If You Choose To Skip This Episode

Published: Dec. 14, 2017, 4:30 a.m.

(I reuse the following opener due to the critical nature of this post.) With the utmost respect I say the following: "If you're an Outsider and you skip this post, you are throwing away one of the best chances you'll ever have of building a life with the very things that make life hard for you" I just finished listening to the latest free webinar from Jason Leister. Why should that matter to you? For the most part, Jason is why you even know of me today. He helped direct me down this path in a way no one before him was able. He kicked open the door of opportunity for me How? By showing me how to benefit the greatest by simply remaining as I am, but also by showing me who amongst you would probably love hearing from me the most. I can't fully describe the pressure (self-inflicted) I was under. This not understanding how to move forward with what was in my heart and head was killing me. We're ALL in our own way! But if you're following me, you've most likely already figured that out and you're searching for a way through. You're looking to stay "you" and have that represent more than a way of identifying who "you" are in a lineup. You want to be known for what it is you give to the world, the value you offer Well, you've just hit pay dirt then. My site is my attempt at helping a very particular batch of people do that very same thing. But Jason is doing so at a higher level and for a wider group of people, in a way I am striving to emulate. He did it for me. Now I want to do it for you. Who do you want to do it for? Subscribe To OJ Podcast! Sponsors: Family Network Chiropractic in Kingston, NY: The only providers of NSA Chiropractic in the Mid-Hudson Valley Maximum Results Fitness w/ Mike Romano: Online Training with Individually Customized Support Key Points: Jason Leister needs to be a part of your soul searching advisory diet if you want to speed up the discovery of the answers you desire most How you act is far more important than what you do. It's your way of being that holds all your answers Even as you get your answers, you're going to eventually evolve, possibly changing direction entirely, but to not seek these answers is the same as choosing death. You'll remain just as you are right now There's no fast fix for what ails you. It's a process. The only "fast" involved is in getting good with that notion as quickly as you can You really are perfect just as you are. This is more an issue of execution and mindset WHO do you want to help most? Answer that first and the rest of your answers will come quicker Right NOW is all that truly exists! The past and future aren't real. They're mental constructs that help us navigate life. Necessary but nothing we can actually work inside of. They're simply not here and never will be Remaining present and staying in the moment with people leads to other really cool shit! You shouldn't be doing work then living your life in your "off" time. They should be the same thing! Links: Did You Look Behind The Medulla Oblongata? An article written in 2015 as I was just closing in on all I stated above: Notice how I've progressed! Incomparable Expert: Free Daily Newsletter: Get on Jason's list. It's one of the greatest gifts I can ever give you The Incomparable Expert Advisory Program and Business Intelligence Report: Get more of Jason's attention as well as in depth monthly info his free newsletter people do not receive Podcast Answer Man: I got my idea for multiple podcasts from Cliff Ravenscraft Human Design: Discover The Person You Were Born To Be: Literally! This is a situation of "it is what it is". Relax any rigid thoughts you may have on the topic and investigate. I mean, seriously. What can it hurt? The Presence Process: A Journey Into Present Moment Awareness: Jason highly recommends this book. I just started it and already it's sharing info my own life has confirmed to be true...