#18: En Garde Future Guests!

Published: Sept. 26, 2017, 4:22 a.m.

Met a nice guy who sometimes stabs people for a living! OK. He fences. Ha! Much nicer. And what a nice guy! We met as fellow practice members of my local NSA chiropractic shop. We'd both just wrapped up our entrainments and we were both rather energized when our chis collided in the waiting room. We got to chattin'. Turns out he is part of a fencing school that helps a lot of kids do better in this life using what they learn from practicing the sport. He was very passionate about all that this school does and how it affects the kids. (Here comes a key point.) But he was only sharing this with me. One guy! Alone! What would happen if he told that exact same story to me but on this podcast, where thousands will eventually hear it, if not one day millions? Think about that. Think about what that would mean for you and your story or mission. Off the back of that thought, you can understand why I (subtly) tried my damnedest to get him to agree to being interviewed on this show. I got nowhere with that, for now. And I let it lie. For now. I got time. I'll see him again. And I'm not desperate. But seriously, how much more good could you do for those you care about most if you could get your tale out in front of many, and repeat it on autopilot, for years to come? Well, that's what I'm offering you here. If this is you, how about you go over, or down, and click on that "Become A Guest" image and do just that? Let's talk. Subscribe To OJ Podcast! Sponsors: Family Network Chiropractic in Kingston, NY: The only providers of NSA Chiropractic in the Mid-Hudson Valley Maximum Results Fitness w/ Mike Romano: Online Training with Individually Customized Support Key Points: Use me as the template for growing a similar platform Be sure to uncover, exactly, what makes you tick so that you build your platform in the way most sensible for you. I am looking for those who are passionate about their Outsider activities Sharing your story is what's most important to me! This episode displays a new way I've discovered to create unexpected value By not becoming attached to any result, you'll suffer less overall. You'll also find more things work in your favor because you are not projecting desperation Fencing offers scholarships yet very few kids seem to be aware of this If you become a guest on my show, you'll get a page just like every other episode's page, where I'll share anything important or relevant to your mission that you'd like! Becoming aware: The ability to look dispassionately at something that's usually loaded with emotion to see how you could've done better: I don't just preach this. I strive to stay aware and open to these lessons when they appear in my life just for my own needs, separate from my serving yours. (But I love sharing what I've learned with you and couldn't stop myself from doing so if I tried.) Network Spinal Analysis (NSA) tends to draw Outsiders by default NSA not only creates positive change within me, it also makes me more able to cause these changes on my own The fact that more people aren't using chiropractic, let alone NSA, is a crime Links: Human Design: You were designed at birth to handle things in a certain way that is unarguably permanent "NSA: It's not just for breakfast anymore!" Woodstock Fencing Club: I am assuming that this has to be my new friend's place Kolbe: Even if you have no faith in other tools I offer, you will find that you cannot get around the ways you are proven to act, in any situation. These are your Conative Strengths. Fight them and watch your life NEVER work! Centerpointe will show you how to step outside of yourself, in order to make decisions more wisely What the fuck is a Platform? Meet Dr. Donny Epstein, the creator of NSA and much more Meet Glenn Dietzel, the man who taught me to guard my time like a hawk The photographer of this post's featured photo: Eugene Lim