#15: Get To The Root Of It All

Published: Sept. 14, 2017, 4:04 a.m.

In my Human Design Report, my Root Center is defined. This report has clarified something about myself that I've always known, to a greater or lesser degree, depending on the circumstances. The Root Center is one of the nine centers discussed in the report and they are either "turned on" or "latent". This is neither good nor bad. It just is. But in my case, having my Root Center turned on means I have a constantly running, consistent and reliable source of energy that regulates this aspect of my being. It makes me the type of leader that I am Here's the definition of the Root Center from my report: "You have the means to be able to handle, withstand and even create extraordinary pressures in life that call you and others to perform. All imposed or presumed 'deadlines' are triggered in the Root Center, and you have to gauge whether any particular goal or cut-off date is essential. Recognize that the Root Center delivers raw power that urges you to act. In historic times, being confronted by a wild animal would have given you a sufficient 'adrenaline rush' to act. But in more modern times where you are confronted by traffic, competition, business requirements, family pressures, security issues and other attributes of modern life, the relative urgency of any situation can be hard to qualify. Know that in its normal state, your Root is calm and joyous, in other words, meditative and celebrative. If you can see that these attributes are part and parcel of your wellbeing, you will recognize the relative importance of what you are meant to commit to, and what to avoid. Riding the storms of life, with the wind in your face, and a confident glow in your being is part of your nature. When you can calmly smile to yourself in the middle of chaos, you have found your stillness and potential for joy." Re-reading my chart and rediscovering this info had a revelatory effect on my thinking and feeling with regard to all I am building right now, and how I've been seeing the world lately. (It was a good thing!) Subscribe To OJ Podcast! Sponsors: Family Network Chiropractic in Kingston, NY: The only providers of NSA Chiropractic in the Mid-Hudson Valley Maximum Results Fitness w/ Mike Romano: Online Training with Individually Customized Support Key Points: I get regular breakthrough moments, about 3-6 weeks apart, but sometimes back to back (because I'm looking for them and give them room to arrive) I have direct, routine access to raw power that's used to create action within me and anyone working with me My life, years and decades before I ever got this report, has proven it to be true: I help myself and others move forward-ALWAYS! In relation to how wish to live my day, I've decided to rely even more heavily on my ability to attract podcast guests rather than to actively seek them out Whenever I directly bring another person into the mix, it never works; this has nothing to do with the other people, it's got to do with how my energy flows best I'm a true loner and happy to be so, and I'm designing the business of this site to allow me to live the Writer's Lifestyle as much as possible There are over a quarter million words inside this site about fixing some of the most heinous shit and learning incredible life lessons from some of the most interesting people As you decide and learn how best to live your life, search for peace and confidence within your work. Happiness comes later, by default Links: Herding Satellites: How my mind deals with all my ideas It Takes Guts To Live Well: My free wellness system (no strings!) Become a member of Jason Leister's Advisory Group and get his Business Reports free! Human Design Report: Get your root checked Kolbe Index and your conative strengths: perfect complement to the Human Design Report