#11: "But The Solar Eclipse Is Starting!"

Published: Aug. 22, 2017, 2:37 p.m.

What's holding you back from being greater than your current circumstances would suggest? What is slowingeth thy roll? It's not too hard to routinely find a reason for not completing some next task in your master plan, thereby bringing you one step closer to death and no steps closer to living a life of fulfillment before it takes you. Whew! Ken. Harsh darkness much? OK. A bit brutal, that description of you never having all you are capable of having. But I wanted to grab your attention. None of us knows how long we have til the clock runs out. So what are you doing to make sure you get the most of of whatever time you have left? Am I saying to work ferociously hard on all you can, in an attempt to slay all your dragons and become a Master of Men in as short a time as possible? Um...no. I'm just saying that you'll find there are probably many times when you could be doing a hair more that you're doing right now to build out that life you've been dreaming about. The one all your friends, family, and innocent passers-by must hear about whenever the Excitement Muse moves you. You're not wrong to be excited about your potential future. You're not lazy if you don't work 24/7 on your golden dream. But you are wrong if you can take an honest look at the past month or so and specifically see where you could have done a few more things to advance your mission just that little tiny bit...yet didn't. Don't berate yourself. Don't guilt trip your face off. Don't slave drive your own ass off. Just up the ante a touch on how much work you could be accomplishing, by trying about 5% harder to complete any of the tasks on your to-do list than you do now. Or work 5% harder to find ways to simply become 5% more efficient or effective. (That's a lesson in both leverage and scale, btw.) Occasionally sacrifice a few comforts now to have more comforts than you could ever dream of later. (Then start building the next thing.) Subscribe To OJ Podcast! Sponsors: Family Network Chiropractic in Kingston, NY: The only providers of NSA Chiropractic in the Mid-Hudson Valley Maximum Results Fitness w/ Mike Romano: Online Training with Individually Customized Support Key Points: You will never succeed at anything important if you don't leave your comfort zone at least every once in awhile There will always be a convenient excuse lying around to rationalize away your inability to get anything important done As you move on your dreams, you're going to run into opportunities that only exist because you made that move In your attempts to help others, and build a better life for yourself, you'll discover a synergy between some of them and you that will lead to bigger, unforeseen victories (synergy) As you continually make moves when you're not comfortable with doing so, you'll start to win more often and on a bigger scale, causing your confidence to go sky high! I'm right there with you, constantly having to push through my fears and discomfort when I really don't want to, in order for my dreams to come true. You'll find all of this much easier to achieve if you focus on what good it brings to the other people involved and stop thinking so much about what you'll get out of it Links: Pat Flynn: Smart Passive Income: Free Podcasting Course Jason Leister: Never Work As A Committee Member Cliff Ravenscraft: Podcast Answer Man (You're welcome!) Roseanne Roseannadanna: It's Always Something (A poor quality recording but hey) Gilda Radner (Roseanne Roseannadanna): Powerful autobiography OJ EPI-2: My Mad Demigods Experience The photographer of this post's featured photo: Paul Rysz