Up North Journal - Interview with Outdoor Writer & Editor Patrick Durkin, Western DYI Elk Hunts, West Nile and CWD

Published: July 30, 2018, 1 p.m.

This week we talk with outdoor writer and editor Patrick Durkin about his out west DYI elk hunts and how West Nile and CWD is driving the outdoors.

  1. Outdoor Writer and Editor Patrick Durkin
  2. 40 years of writing
  3. Going to Idaho for another Elk Hunt
  4. Took a nice bull in 2014

Camp set up

  1. Acura tent\xa0about 7 feet tall. Company is from Ireland
  2. 2 and half week trip
  3. Started taking this trip in 2006
  4. Public land hunt
  5. Obtaining water for 2 weeks, Katyadyn
  6. Camp chairs and game carts
  7. Boat in three miles to camp
  8. Use 2 boats

Running to get fit for hunting

  1. Helps with his asthma
  2. Runs Boston Marathon
  3. Helps with hiking and hunting out west
  4. Keeps him energized and alert

Hunting Idaho

  1. Didn't see anyone for the first 6 years
  2. Saw only one other campsite in 2013
  3. Safety while hunting in far away big places

Talking about writing

  1. How long articles should be for writers
  2. Writing a hunting book
  3. How digital media has changed the writing industry
  4. How do you move forward in a digital realm and try to make money
  5. Keeping busy working everyday
  6. Encouraging others to get into the media business
  7. Staying remembered
  8. Rehashing the same thing in a different message

Arizona DYI Elk Hunt solo!

  1. Had another hunter in the area as his emergency contact
  2. Long drive by yourself
  3. Set camp by himself and did some scouting
  4. Shot elk on first day of season
  5. Vortex BDC rifle scope
  6. Issues packing out an elk by himself
  7. Field dressed in a hole
  8. Any trouble transporting elk back across multiple states

West Nile Virus affecting grouse in Mid-West?

  1. Pat's article on his take on shortening the grouse season.
  2. One season doesn't set a trend for wild animals
  3. Follow the science
  4. Balance between science and the hunters
  5. Nesting season
  6. Hunting pressure vs natural population trends

CWD in Wisconsin and public perception

  1. More awareness now than past
  2. If current trends continue, Wisconsin will see deer herd reduction
  3. Spent time with DNR catching deer and doing biopsies
  4. Mostly on private lands in SW Wisconsin
  5. Hunters reluctant to help in participating with DNR
  6. So many unknowns
  7. How does CWD affect farmers shipping crops to other places?
  8. How does CWD affect bodies of water and other animals using those waters
  9. How do we dispose of road kill deer properly
  10. Who is accountable for the multiple ways the disease can spread

Patrick Durkin Outdoors