The Turkey Hunter - One of My Favorite Episodes

Published: Aug. 24, 2017, noon

Join me as I interview Tim Knight and Corey New about bowhunting turkeys without a blind.

A wild turkey\u2019s eyesight is undoubtedly the best of any big game species in North America. They have an uncanny ability to pick out any type of movement or something that is just not right in the woods.

Because of their incredible eyesight, bowhunting turkeys without a blind may seem like it is an impossible feat, but it is not.

As of today\u2019s date, Tim Knight has killed 84 turkeys with a bow and without a blind, and in this episode I pick his brain about how he is so successful doing it.

We talk bow setup, shot placement, camouflage, decoys, and ideal range for a bow shot. \xa0In addition, we share some hunting stories, and Tim even shares a recipe or three with us.

This episode is a new one on my favorite episode list because I got so much more out of Tim than I had planned and because I had a great time conducting the interview.

Be sure to listen in to this episode to learn all you can about bowhunting turkeys without a blind, hear some great hunting stories, and laugh along with us as well.