How Office Design Can Help Your Team Work Better

Published: Oct. 31, 2018, 10:26 p.m.

b"For more info, visit:\\n\\nYour environment plays a major role in how happy and healthy your team is. In a recent study, researchers found that only 13% of workers are highly engaged and satisfied with their workplace. It's an alarming statistic \\u2014 after all, if the vast majority of your workforce is feeling unsatisfied in their surroundings, that\\u2019s not good for their overall well-being or for the company's. So, can your office be used as a tool to boost employee engagement? According to Morgan Thomas, an interior designer at the commercial interior design firm Cutler, answer is yes. We reached out to Morgan to discuss office design and how your environment can impact the way that your team works. In the interview, Morgan suggests a few things that you can do to make a big difference and create a more positive atmosphere."