Wonderful Wild Wetlands

Published: June 7, 2020, 2 p.m.

Hello there, 

Welcome to our very first podcast with Alan Balfe, Wildlife and Education Officer at Tralee Bay Wetlands Eco & Activity Park.  

We sincerely hope all of you are doing well and most importantly that you and your families are all healthy. Tralee Bay Wetlands Eco & Activity Park remains closed for tours and activities at present as we continue to work together as a nation to control the impact of the virus COVID19. 

Our first podcast talks about our wonderful Wetlands as they are highly important for wildlife and they come in a variety of different types from ponds, lakes, bog and rivers. A healthy Wetlands ecosystem can be home to a multitude of both rare and common birds, insects and fish. At Tralee Bay you will be able to see Pale-Bellied Brent Geese from Canada, Whopper Swans from Iceland and our endangered Curlew from Scotland. Tralee Bay  gets extraordinary number of 20,000 visitors every winter, we deeply encourage you all to walk along the canal at low tide.  

You should come along to the Wetlands Park one early winter morning as you may catch some Oyster Catchers and Curlew flying over.   We are heartened to see that our beautiful lake walk remains open to the public, so you can enjoy your walk in the fresh air and stunning surrounds. 

We will keep you updated with news from us and we cannot wait to welcome you all back to us again.

#StaySafe #StayLocal #HoldFirm #InThisTogether

Stay Safe, Stay Local & Best Regards, 

From all the Wetlands Team


Be sure to stay up to date with all our social media channels and we hope to welcome you all back for a Nature Tour and a coffee when we open.  
