Ep. 113 - Hold Me Closer, Tony Danza: Mondegreens, Moiraine, and More with Kitty Rallo

Published: April 6, 2021, 4 a.m.


Scott and Steve explore the many ways that words can be misheard, misspoken, and misused. And that is just the opening of the show.

First, hear Scott judge his friends, coworkers, and more for their terrible pronunciation skills, before he reveals some of his more embarrassing word gaffes. Stay tuned to learn how to tell the difference between eggcorns, malapropisms, mondegreens, and spoonerisms.

Speaking of mispronouncing words, special guest Kitty Rallo from Dragonmount and the Wheel of Time Community Show stops by to discuss all things WoT, including how to properly pronounce the names of your favorite characters.
And finally, the greatest mystery of all - Who is Randy?
So hold me closer, Tony Danza, 'scuse me while I kiss this guy, and most importantly - listen to this cunning stunt of podcast today!
Special Guest - Kitty Rallo
Website - KittyRallo.com
Instagram - @thedarkrayofsunshine
Twitter - twitter.com/kittyrallo
Learn more about all things Wheel of Time at dragonmount.com
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