Options Playbook Radio 180: Huddling Up on Low VIX, Naked Puts and More

Published: Oct. 19, 2017, 6:46 p.m.


Mark and Brian are back to answer listener questions.

  • Question from Ejh4isu - Let's say you're short naked a bunch of puts and the trade goes against you, and you don't have the money to pony up? What can your broker do?
  • Question from LCB - This is a challenging time to sell options due to low volatility. So does it stand that the opposite is true? Is it a good time to buy options? Particularly protective puts?
  • Question from Andrew Lane - I tried searching for options on the major advisor news sources including Pensions & Investments and Financial Advisors magazine and came up blank. Why do these mainstream outlets ignore this space? Where should I go to learn more about options for advisors?