OA374: The Light at the End of the Tunnel

Published: April 3, 2020, 3:48 a.m.


Today\'s episode covers a number of stories that might be bad news for now, but each one, we think there\'s a reason to be optimistic beneath the surface. We also make sure we\'re holding Idaho\'s feet to the fire for the anti-trans bills that state tried to sneak past the radar this week, and we tell you the fate of states that have tried to restrict access to abortion using COVID-19 as pretext.

We begin with a survey of the landscape including the states that haven\'t issued stay-at-home orders. There\'s an interesting commonality among these states\' governors; can you figure it out??

Then, it\'s time for our main segment which is a deep dive into Idaho HB 509 that attempts to prevent trans people from changing their gender on their birth certificate. The bill is horrible, bigoted, and mean... and yet why are we optimistic? You\'ll have to listen and find out!

After all that, it\'s time to take a look at the six states that have attempted to restrict access to abortion services during COVID-19 and examine the latest rulings by the Fifth Circuit. Why isn\'t it as bad as you\'ve heard? We tell you exactly why.

We conclude, as always, with a brand-new #T3BE featuring a civ pro question that involves res judicata -- a concept so convoluted, courts often screw it up. Will Thomas get it right? Listen and find out!

Patreon Bonuses

There\\u2019s still so much right now! If you\\u2019re a Patron, you can submit proposed new intro quotes for the show, and you can also listen to the audio from March\'s LIVE Q&A! Oh, and if you missed it, you can also enjoy\\xa0Andrew\\u2019s Lecture, \\u201cWe\\u2019re All Gonna Die!\\u201d\\xa0and the\\xa0accompanying slides!


Andrew was just a guest on\\xa0the Daily Beans Podcast, talking megapastors flaunting the law. If you\\u2019d like to have either of us as a guest on your show, event, or in front of your group, please drop us an email at\\xa0openarguments@gmail.com.

Show Notes & Links

  1. You should read F.V. v. Barron, the Idaho case we discussed at length, as well as the current Idaho rules regarding birth certificate changes. You can also check out the WPATH Standards of Care document.
  2. This is the 5th Circuit\'s order on abortion.

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-And finally, remember that you can email us at\\xa0openarguments@gmail.com!
