OA 106: Elections Have Consequences! Donald Trump, Bernie Sanders & the DNC Lawsuit

Published: Sept. 22, 2017, 4 a.m.

b'In this episode, we discuss a number of political stories making the rounds. First, "Yodel Mountain" returns with a look at the recent CNN story showing that the FBI obtained a FISA court warrant for Paul Manafort. \\xa0Does this mean Trump\'s complaints about Obama "wiretapping" his campaign are true? \\xa0Listen and find out! In the main\\xa0segment, Andrew walks us through the recent ruling dismissing out the class action claims against the Democratic National Committee ostensibly by Bernie Sanders supporters. \\xa0Find out what\'s really going on! Next, we answer a listener question from Patrick Hager about whether Congress can really overrule the Supreme Court. \\xa0Learn civics with us! Finally, we end with a new Thomas Takes the Bar Exam Question #42 about whether an expert witness can authenticate crucial pieces of evidence. \\xa0Remember that you can play along with #TTTBE by retweeting our episode Tweet along with your guess. \\xa0We\'ll release the answer on next Tuesday\'s episode along with our favorite entry! Recent Appearances Andrew was a guest on Episode 11 of the Reasonable Risk podcast; go check it out! Show Notes & Links

  1. This is\\xa050 U.S.C.\\xa0\\xa7\\xa01805, which governs FISA court warrants.
  2. You can read the\\xa0Wall Street Journal article on how FISA warrants are "rubber-stamped" by clicking here.
  3. And this is the CNN report indicating that Manafort\'s investigation had been reopened by the FBI.
  4. DON\'T CLICK ON THIS\\xa0Observer link!
  5. Here is a link to the original lawsuit filed against the DNC.
  6. This is the DNC\'s Charter and Bylaws, which contain Article 5, Section 4.
  7. Here is the transcript of oral argument on April 25, 2017.
  8. This is the\\xa0Wymbs v. Republican State Executive Committee of Florida\\xa0decision discussed on the show.
  9. Here is the link to Jared Beck\'s appearance on InfoWars.
  10. And this is Elizabeth Lee Beck\'s interview with WorldNet Daily.
  11. Finally,\\xa0this is the link to the court\'s ruling.
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