Ep. 51: Strong and Wrong

Published: Feb. 27, 2017, 8:19 p.m.

Hosts: Stuart Yoshida, Doug Brown Guests: Bryan Tolentino, Cynthia Kinnunen We get a double-dose of newness with first time guests Bryan Tolentino and Cynthia K. my co-host Doug Brown and I explore what it means to be a good ukulele helper. And continuing from last month we talk about the subversive ukulele. Support the Podcast on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/ooktown Make a one-time donation: https://ooktown.com/donate Bryan Tolentino: CD: https://www.amazon.com/Ukulele-Friends-Bryan-Tolentino-Herb/dp/B00UZV27KU Cynthia Kinnunen: Cynthia K Music: http://www.cynthiakmusic.com Royal City Uke Fest: http://www.royalcityukefest.com Doug Brown: Website: http://den-uke.com/