50. How To Nail Your Sales Calls with Laura Briggs

Published: July 6, 2020, 8 a.m.

Building your online business surely has brought you some excitements but we all know that there are areas that could really scare us especially when we’re in the first few stages of our journey. Well, I’m pretty sure that jumping into that sales call is one of those intimidating areas for most of us.

Worry no more because our guest for today generously shares her strategies in nailing that sales call. We have with us Laura Briggs who is a two-time TEDx speaker and author with Entrepreneur Press, and she talks about essential things on how to overcome your fear in making that initial call and more!

Come join us now in this episode and you will definitely get loads of valuable takeaways that will empower you to hit the mark on your sales calls.

Grab the show notes at MollyAnnLuna.com/podcast #50

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