Remembering David Bowie: Part 2

Published: Jan. 16, 2018, 10:36 p.m.

b'He was known by many names over the six decades he made music...and for the last 40-plus years, he was the most discussed, photographed, imitated, worshiped and admired rock star in history...\\n\\nNo single rock and roll performer had a more profound an effect on our music as David Bowie...all of today\\u2019s best alt-rock bands all have a bit of Bowie in them \\u2026and that net can be cast much, much wider\\u2026Madonna, Lady Gaga, Prince\\u2026the list is endless...\\n\\nHe was a singer, a songwriter, record producer, movie actor, stage performer, internet entrepreneur, artist, art critic, fashion maven, wall street investment and gay icon...\\n\\nHe has been a trend-setter, a shapeshifter, a cultural mover-and-shaker\\u2026he\\u2019s Ziggy Stardust, Aladdin Sane, Halloween Jack, Plastic Soul Man, the Thin white Duke...and now he\\u2019s gone\\u2026he\\u2019s David Bowie\\u2014and now that he\\u2019s gone, it\\u2019s important to recognize all the contributions he\\u2019s made to our music\\u2026\\n\\nThis is Remembering David Bowie, Part 2\\u2026\\nLearn more about your ad choices. Visit'