Le creemos a Tom Holland? | Weekly Shot #203

Published: Feb. 10, 2021, 3:28 a.m.

b"Temas:\\n\\nWandaVision Ep. 5 https://youtu.be/uCRYonLaPSw \\nC\\xf3mics de la semana https://bit.ly/2uyVf9N \\nNueva serie de Justice League escrita por Zdarsky https://bit.ly/3p6sJTa \\nLet them live! https://bit.ly/370PNwB \\nThe CW ordena piloto de Naomi https://bit.ly/3jA62Gb \\nJoker de Jared Leto en Zack Snyder's Justice League https://bit.ly/3tG7cnX \\nMuri\\xf3 Oscar Gonz\\xe1lez Loyo https://bit.ly/3p2lICZ \\nPel\\xedcula de Nimona cancelada https://bit.ly/2Z2BBPm \\nNuevos Guardians of the Galaxy https://bit.ly/2LyXqCS \\nFantastic Four: Life Story https://bit.ly/2NeNmPP \\nDetalles de Heroes Reborn https://bit.ly/2LGVFnq https://bit.ly/3a3tEQ8 \\nTr\\xe1iler de Falcon and the Winter Soldier https://youtu.be/IWBsDaFWyTE \\nNo habr\\xe1 Tobey ni Andrew en Spider-Man 3? https://bit.ly/2MIGdYu \\n \\nPueden apoyar el proyecto de One-Shot Comics comprando en Amazon sin costo extra a trav\\xe9s de esta liga: http://amzn.to/2wE56YC o uni\\xe9ndose al Club de lectura de c\\xf3mics (http://bit.ly/2uq5glX). :D\\n\\n\\nRedes sociales:\\nhttps://instagram.com/willyholland\\n\\nhttp://twitter.com/willyholland\\n\\nhttp://twitter.com/losoneshot \\n\\nhttp://facebook.com/losoneshot\\n\\nhttp://oneshotcomics.mx"