One Life Left -- s20e45 -- #430 -- ClickGate

Published: March 17, 2021, 1:22 p.m.

It's the mystery/scandal of the year (so far): what is the clicking noise heard on episodes of OLL? Who is the mystery figure who raised the question in the first place?? How is Ste bumping into people while on lockdown?! Are our correspondents real??! These questions, and more, might be answered in today's episode of the World's Longest Running Videogame Radio Show, dear listeners!

I promise there is still loads of videogame related chat, albeit minus SSG. Meanwhile the date has been set for the next online Maraoke: Friday March 26th. Link below to the Maraoke Twitch channel.

Are you the lone person writing all the videogame related stories for our favourite news outlets? Even if you're not, why not write in to us and become another of our famous, very real, correspondents? Fire us an email at

Team OLL x

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Cyberpunk 2077
Loop Hero

Crazy Comets (Main Theme) by Ron Hubbard