One Life Left -- s05e02 -- #98 -- Trauma Center

Published: June 22, 2009, 11:06 p.m.

It takes a special kind of show to carry off two comebacks in three weeks but here we are. After a one-week hiatus to take stock, hire and fire, One Life Left returns rejuvenated, reshaped. All three presenters are back, too. Seriously, someone needs to have a word with HR. Still, One Life Left isn't just Ste, Simon and Ann doing their best to make silence sound inviting. The show would be nothing without fabulous features submitted by listeners, and Episode 2 contains some of the very best. There are the beloved regulars, of course, and the return of two Season 4 favourites, but there's also something brand new sneaks in at the end. Consider the Trauma in the title is a clue. Elsewhere, OLL's brave experiment in listener interaction continues. The thing about listener interaction is that it requires participation from both parties. The first party -- the broadcaster -- requests the interaction. The second party -- the listener, that's you -- responds in kind. Phone us, please. The number is in the show and Ann is waiting for your call. Music in #98: Leave Everything / Move On by Covox Sparks by Cornbeast Soulja Boy! Crank those pink squares! by Jay Lever Email: Twitter: Search for us on Facebook and join our page / group