To Boldly Go – OHS109

Published: May 29, 2019, 5:51 a.m.

I was born and raised on Science Fiction, superheroes, and comic book. First and foremost it was Star Trek. This podcast will only discuss the Sci-fi part of my life. My parents both loved science fiction. Not sure why two immigrants from other countries would love Sci-fi so much, but I am sure glad they did. My earliest memories were watching Star Trek with my father as a young boy. My mother tells stories of my running into the TV room when the theme song to Star Trek was heard. All throughout my life and at all stages I have had friends and family gather with me in our collective love and appreciation of Star Trek. I can honestly say this Sci-fi television series has had (and still does) have a huge impact one my life. Thanks for listening! I invite you to share this podcast, offer a comment or leave some feedback. Show Notes: Born and raised in a Sci-Fi family household. My earliest memories revolve around watching Sci-Fi television or going to the movies with my family. Star Trek the Original Series is one of my first TV memories with my father. Star Trek has been a running theme throughout my entire life. Live Long and Prosper! Resources: Luke Skywalker Got His Hand Cut Off, I was Born Like This – Podcast OHS041 has a Star Wars Sci-fi overtone. Star Trek – The official website of the Star Trek franchise. Contact. Follow. Share. instagram | facebook | twitter | pinterest How to review the podcast on iTunes If you enjoyed, benefited or were impacted by the podcast, it would be beyond cool if you’d take a minute and write a review on iTunes. To do that, click on the iTunes link or launch the iTunes podcast app on your computer or phone. Search for One Hand Speaks, select the album art for the show, select ratings and reviews and then write your review. Big thanks and appreciation. Please spread and share if you feel others will benefit and enjoy and leave a comment or offer feedback. Play your hand, AlejAndro