Is Biden the Best Democrats Can Do?

Published: Sept. 21, 2023, 9 a.m.

b'Biden\\u2019s poll numbers are atrocious, and in recent columns from The Washington Post to The New York Times and The National Journal, the punditocracy has started to sour on the president\\u2019s 2024 ambitions. Columnists have weighed in on why Biden could lose to Trump \\u2014\\xa0and whether it\\u2019d be better for him to step aside. Is this a phase, a pipe dream or an actual crisis?\\nWe convene an all-star panel to discuss. Our guests: Franklin Foer, staff writer for The Atlantic and author of the recently released The Last Politician, a look a Biden\\u2019s first two years in office; Astead Herndon, national political reporter for The New York Times and host of The Run-Up; Jen Psaki, former White House press secretary for the Biden administration and host of Inside with Jen Psaki on MSNBC; and Alex Thompson, national political correspondent for Axios.\\xa0\\nQuestions or comments? Email us at or find us on social media. We\\u2019re on Instagram/Threads as @karaswisher and @nayeemaraza.\\xa0\\nLearn more about your ad choices. Visit'